The Holocaust Memorial Resource & Education Center of Florida Calls For Support For The Acquisition Of The Ten Commandments Stone Of Egelsbach
The Holocaust Memorial Resource & Education Center of Florida is honored to become the permanent home of an incredible Holocaust artifact: the Ten Commandments stone tablet from the old Egelsbach Synagogue. The synagogue in Egelsbach, Germany, was tragically destroyed during Kristallnacht, a dark chapter in Jewish history marked by violence and persecution.
Remarkably, the 800 lb. sandstone tablet survived the chaos, bearing witness to the atrocities inflicted upon the Jewish community of Egelsbach and greater Hesse. Generously donated by the Simon family, who opened the first synagogue in Egelsbach in the 1840s, this artifact holds immense historical and cultural significance and embodies the resilience of Germanyʼs Jewish communities.
Acquiring the Ten Commandments tablet allows the Center to not only honor the memory of the Jewish community of Egelsbach but also serve as a poignant reminder of the enduring legacy of the Simon Family, whose testimonies and archival documents will be integral to HMREC’s upcoming exhibition on Kristallnacht. By providing a permanent home for this artifact, they affirm their commitment to preserving and commemorating the rich tapestry of Jewish history and heritage for future generations.
Help them raise $15,000 by October 1st!
$50: Helps support transport of the artifact from Miami to Orlando
$100: Provides artifact conservation and preservation
$300: Supports the development of the artifactʼs exhibition installation
$500: Funds public programming for the Centerʼs Kristallnacht 2024 Commemoration
Donors contributing over $3,000 will be featured on the Kristallnacht exhibition’s naming plaque.
Donate today by visiting the Holocaust Memorial Resource & Education Center of Florida’s donation link here to help HMREC fund the transportation and rehoming costs to bring this artifact to their Center.
Photo Credit: The Holocaust Memorial Resource & Education Center of Florida
Date Posted: July 8, 2024