Trout Lake Nature Center Closes Boardwalk
The Trout Lake Nature Center (TLNC) is reconstructing its iconic Wexler Way boardwalk to the lake. Built in 2004, it is used by most visitors and student field trips. Rebuilding will be from the boardwalk entrance to the second bend along with Dragonfly Point, our shaded resting spot. Dragonfly Point will be relocated closer to the beginning of the boardwalk and enlarged to hold a full class of students.
For the public’s safety during this construction project the boardwalk and the Hazelton Trail (the main trail to the boardwalk) will be closed starting May 17, 2023 until work is completed. Before the pandemic portions of boardwalk and the education dock were rebuilt leaving this section to be done.
Construction is anticipated to take about two months but is dependent on weather and materials delivery. This $157,000 project is being made possible by funding from the Disney Corporation, SECO Foundation, Larry L. and Michelle M. Murphy Charitable Trust and the Lake County Water Authority.
Although the one trail and boardwalk will be closed, the remainder of TLNC’s property remains open for use.
About Trout Lake Nature Center
The Trout Lake Nature Center is a 230-acre non-profit located in Eustis. Its mission is to conserve and protect the natural environment and educate the public about its importance. Further information on TLNC can be found at www.troutlakenaturecenter.com.
Photo Credit: Eileen Tramontana/Trout Lake Nature Center
Date Posted: May 12, 2023