What’s New With The Trout Lake Nature Center’s Butterflies?
The Trout Lake Nature Center (TLNC) has a collection of 1,400 butterfly and other insect specimens from around the world. Taylor Jones, TLNC volunteer curator manages the insect collection and works to keep the collection fresh and appealing to visitors. This involves changing the specimens displayed regularly to protect the specimens and help visitors view the collection in different ways. Recently added were: Moths of Africa, Satyr Butterflies of the World, Anaea or Moths of the Southwest USA, a “Know your State Butterflies” and the return of the “Both Sides Now”.
The Zebra Longwing is Florida’s state butterfly but do you know what other state’s butterflies are? The “Know Your State Butterflies” display features the state butterflies from Florida and many other states. Test your knowledge of state butterflies.
“Both Sides Now” reveals the striking differences in color and pattern between the topside and underside of a butterfly’s wings. Butterfly wings are very different on each side and people often only see the topside. Go be amazed at the variety of butterflies and differences.
This collection and special displays are found in the Education Building at the Trout Lake Nature Center which is located at 520 East CR 44, Eustis. TLNC is open to the public Tuesday through Saturday from 9 AM to 4 PM and Sunday from 1 to 4 PM. Cost is $5/vehicle for all non-TLNC members.
About Trout Lake Nature Center
The Trout Lake Nature Center is a 230-acre non-profit located in Eustis, Florida. Its mission is to conserve and protect the natural environment and educate the public about its importance. Further information on TLNC can be found at www.troutlakenaturecenter.com.
Photo Credit: Taylor Jones, Volunteer Curator showing specimens
Date Posted: February 5, 2024